Business General Liability Insurance Company Located in Hialeah, FL | LP Insurance Associates Inc.
General Liability Insurance

Call LP Insurance today, so we can meet to determine the General Liability Insurance coverage that is best suited for your business - no matter the size.
General Liability insurance protects the assets of a business when it is sued for something it did or did not do to cause an injury or property damage. A standard policy issued to a business will protect them against liability claims for bodily injury and property damage arising out of premises operations, products and completed operations and advertising and personal injury liability.
Under a General Liability policy the insurance company will also pay the legal defense of a business in a covered liability claim or lawsuit. General Liability can be purchased independently or as part of a bundle of coverage. The limits chosen should take into account the potential threat to the business. Typically, almost all commercial ventures need a Commercial General Liability policy as these days a minor incident can result in a court case and a large claim payout.